10 Things You Need to Know Before Calling Your Pest Control Company

How to Get Rid of Pests: 10 Things You Need to Know Before Calling Your Pest Control Company

Leave a Comment / Pest Control / By Flora Duran

Pests can be a nuisance, but you don’t have to live with them. You can do many things yourself to keep pests away and get rid of them once they find their way into your home or office. However, before jumping into DIY methods like traps and pesticides, knowing how best to handle your pest problems with professional help is essential. Pay attention to any signs of an infestation before calling a pest control pro.

Some pests are easier to get rid of than others

1. Some pests are easier to get rid of than others.

Insects like ants, cockroaches, and fleas are the most common home pests, but they’re also the easiest to eliminate since you can control them with insecticides or insect traps. There is no immediate fix for these infestations unless you want to call in a professional exterminator. Termites and mice are tough to eradicate because it takes them several months to mature into reproducing adults. Bed bugs tend to be hard to kill and highly resistant. Sometimes multiple applications are needed before one finally works properly.

Make sure it is an actual pest problem.

2. Make sure it is an actual pest problem.

When you call your pest control company, they can determine whether or not it’s an actual pest problem. This means that if there are mice in your house, for example, but no evidence of gnawing holes in walls or furniture damage from them (or even droppings), there is probably nothing wrong with them.

Identify the type of pest problem you have.

3. Identify the type of pest problem you have.

Knowing what kind of pest you’re dealing with is essential for identifying a solution that will work best for your home and family. There are many different types of pests out there—even within these categories, there can be subgroups like rodents or insects that aren’t grouped on most pest control websites or books. 

Make your home or business unappealing to pests.

4. Make your home or business unappealing to pests.

If you can’t eliminate the pest, at least make it uncomfortable for them. Ensure they don’t have any food or water nearby.

You can take care of some pest problems yourself with DIY methods.

5. You can take care of some pest problems yourself with DIY methods.

  • Vacuum cleaners are the best tool for removing bugs and insects, so if you have one at home, use it! Run the vacuum over your carpet or rug until it’s clear that no more bugs are hiding inside.
  • Use a wet cloth to wipe up ants on furniture or walls—it works surprisingly well! Ensure you don’t get any moisture in cracks where ants tend to hide when they’re not moving around much (e.g., under sinks).
  • When using a spray bottle to kill insects, be careful not to get water droplets into cracks where they may be hiding. This could lead to an infestation after they have recovered from being sprayed with chemicals designed specifically for killing off pests like these three-legged critters that enjoy living indoors but eating food left out overnight – especially if it’s beetles.
Eliminating your pest’s food source is the first step in getting rid of them.

6. Eliminating your pest’s food source is the first step in getting rid of them.

Eliminating your pest’s food source is the first step in eliminating them. This could be as simple as removing all fruit trees or replacing your home’s insulation and caulking. If you have pets, ensure they don’t get into places where they can chew on food sources that attract flies, rats, and mice.

Remove any standing water on your property.

7. Remove any standing water on your property.

Mosquitoes thrive in areas with standing water. Mosquitoes can spread parasites and diseases like the West Nile and Zika viruses. Remove all standing water from your property. This includes rain barrels and small pools of water that collect in gutters, around pipes or downspouts, and under doors leading out of your home (such as those on kitchen cabinets).

Seal off holes and other entryways where pests are getting into your home.

8. Seal off holes and other entryways where pests are getting into your home.

Install exterior wood paneling as soon as possible. This is to seal any holes in your walls that pests may use to enter your home. The best way to do this is with insect-repellent glue or sealant. This will keep moisture out of the opening while preventing animals from entering. If you don’t want to use something like caulking or caulk (which can be messy), there are several other options available at most hardware stores:

  • Foil tape – Use foil tape around exterior doors and windows. So that no bugs make their way inside during warm weather months.
  • Baking soda – Sprinkle baking soda around baseboards under cabinets or near doorways leading directly outside;
  • Borax powder – Mix both borax powder and water until combined well enough. When squeezed between fingers, it forms clumps/lumps about 1 inch thick (this amount should be sufficient for most applications).
Be sure you’re prepared to schedule a service appointment.

9. Be sure you’re prepared to schedule a service appointment.

You must have time to wait for the exterminator, so it’s best if they can come during regular business hours. Suppose your pest control company does not provide this type of service. In that case, it may be best for them to contact another company. A company that offers this kind of service schedules an appointment through them instead of having one with you directly.

Know who to call.

10. Know who to call.

It would be best if you were sure that the pest control company you choose fits your needs. This means knowing what questions to ask before hiring them. Are all of those references good ones? Who would recommend them without hesitation if given half an opportunity? Is there anything else about this person or company that makes them seem trustworthy?

Call for a Complete Solution Against Pests.

You should call for a complete solution against pests. Pest control services in Mantoloking, NJ, can help you with that. They offer practical solutions that allow you to eradicate your pest problem from the roots and prevent them from returning. Preventative measures are crucial when tackling pest problems. This means taking steps before they happen so they don’t become an issue in the first place! 

If you’re still unsure, we recommend contacting a professional pest control company that provides the best pest control services in Oklahoma. A good one will be able to give you an accurate assessment and help you solve your problem at a reasonable cost.

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